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Vitamin b12 and dieting - nutriment b12 and fast

31-01-2017 à 17:42:39
Vitamin b12 and dieting
I was told that high range for normal on PTH is 65. (I say rheumatic-y because I never had rheumatic fever, despite R. Well now I have found out due to falling on my right hip that I have confirmed by MRI now that I have bursitis in both hips and due to bone spurs in my right hip I might even have to eventually have to have surgery. Are my levels low enough to go see an endo. out of the blue I began losing weight. Next they did a bone marrow biopsy and a bone scan. I read that people living in more northern areas have more d problems and populations nearest the equator have less d deficiency occurrences. I agree though you should not take them unless the Endo says ok. Does anyone of you feel like a ice feeling in the head or sometimes anywhere in your body. I was told that it needs to be around 40. I also need to tell u, do eat more kinds of fish esp. If you truly have a Parathyroid Problem and all the testing prove this to be true, find an experienced surgeon that does the Mini surgery like Dr. I just looked on the link Kathie posted on the 5th July. Ive read a site which says that lack of calcium affects the nervous system which lets it to lead for anxiety and depression so by taking enough suplments of calcuim and vd it will cure it all. I have taken the 12 week one a week dosage and then to a daily amount. I think you test your ferritin to check for iron storage. However, I was reading online with the American Academy of Endochronology and they said that ANYTHING over 3. We are a non-profit group (nothing to sell) whose aim is to educate the public with respect to vitamins and other supplements. Norman, you have to have an elevated Calcium reading. Massage seemed to help some, but the meds were the answer for me. Hi Lesley, no I havent been tested for lyme it would be rare in my part of the country but it is a thought. Less pain, less fatigue, less anxiety and fewer heart palpitations. But since most people now eat low fat dairy (if they eat it at all), margarine not butter and no liver anymore, vitamin A deficiencies are becomming common too. Started the 50,000 1xwk today and feel fine with it, but took it on a full stomach. D is going low, something happens in the body that doesnt reverse some actions. You may have to ask you GP to test you for Vit B12, tho, like I did. Actually, most of us here seem to have a lot more than just Vit D problems. I had no idea that Vit D could cause any problems. Michelle and Lee- Wow, I really now think that maybe my low D, even if it is 28 (even if it is 28) is the result of all of this. He said that he is going to investigate VDD as its a very rare disease as i live in Durban, SA and there is alot of sunlight, but were i work, Island View, Bayhead there is alot of pollution so i am assuming its because of that too. They also mentioned my vitamin d level was 6 and started me on a high dose of vitamin D. I am currently on 1,000 IU, most likely forever. Told me to start taking 2000 mg supplements. My constipation was due to the calcium intake. It is frustrating when your hands hurt and you have to type the same message over and over and still not have it go through. He did not want me to increase above 2000 since it is improving. The lame brain put MI on the EKG report (heart attack) but never told anyone. but they do a very holistic approach to diagnosing and to the treatment. (md had dismissed that earlier in the year). And yet, here I was in a short amount of time, barely able to carry a load of laundry or have the energy to walk around the block. Anyways, my daughter recently went in for a lot of blood work because she and her husband are ready to have a family. I ask beause my end- who is a top specialist in Vit D, PTH etc. How are you doing with the Vit D capsule. normally I am 107 and I got down to 101. Really good article for anyone taking Vitamin D. However, with acupuncture removing the inflammation as well as providing relief, and waiting a couple of months more before I had the surgery, the cuff somehow healed on its own. Might of missed it but are you seeing an endo. He also ordered x-rays of my joints (although severe pain is not one of my symptoms) to complete a thorough check. D deficiency, I am on the lower end of B12, have Hypothyroidism. I am expecting it will take several months though. You may need to press on your doctor to figure out why you do not absorb it regularly ( through the sun) and why your body gets depleted. Dont give up, go to different doctors if you have to. If nothing else, this new Dr. Some people with low immunity, people on steroids, and people who have taken antibiotics get an overgrowth of Candida in their GI tracks. I hope some of this is helpful to someone. It truly is amazing what can happen when you have a severe difficiency, my son is living proof that it can be turned around with a mult vitamin and daily supplements (the sleep disorder has cleared up, or never exhisted). I am working on exercise and trying not to eat junk because I would like my colestral to come down. I also had been to a cardiologist because of superventricular tachacardia (heart). TO QUCKLY RECAP: my systems are excruciating quick almost electrical shock pain in my shins, thighs, side of ankle, primarily when I am in bed at night in prone position. There is also something called Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is related to Celiac Disease (wheat allergies) which causes an itchy red rash with little puss filled bumps. I do not have any kind of chronic pain, but when I sit for even a little while now I have to unfold myself out of a chair slowly because my joints hurt and are stiff. It would start with my arm and eventually move down to my leg. But I feel less of an ache and not so weak. Gaviscon at night and raise the head of the bed to keep acid down. I will purchase my Vitamin D supplement tomorrow and read my report as soon as it comes. fever supposedly being the only cause of this type of valve damage. It is your health and there are times you just know something is wrong whether a doctor says so or not. I am 47 yrs old and I truely feel llike I am 90. He prescribed 50,000 iu of D3 once a week for a month, then one a month. I do not think I am pregnant because I have no symptoms. it works good for that purpose but tragic, I find out now. I have red dots and pimple like bumps on my arms too, but they do not itch. I went to a new dr. 25th until today. I began taking 20 mg of Adderal along with the Provigil, and I was still fighting sleep the majority of the time. Some other health problems my doctor told me Vitamin D deficiency could cause include heart disease, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, hypertension, arthritis, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, PMS, Crohns Disease, cancer, MS and other autoimmune diseases. If you feel energized and great, go with it. A trigger finger or thumb in my case is when the tendon cannot move properly due to swelling in the synovis. I also noticed that everyone seems to be on a D supplement for a while. My inability to get good sleep was a combo of the pain and now as I know lack of d and maybe some more vits. It all sounds as though many of you also struggle with other compounding health problems, as I, and it is such a maze to try and find good resources and especially health professionals open minded enough to search for the pieces. I am also starting Vitamin D therapy today. I will tell you that you have to be your own advocate. I forgot to mention the low grade fever I constantly have. Hi Kathy, you mentioned that you have HYPERPARATHYROIDISM and need your thyroid out. It hurts to get out of bed, rise from a chair, and bending to pick things up off the floor. I really think so many people are being unfairly treated due to this one particular issue that I only hope more doctors can see this as a problem and start asking for this test on many more people. Also, sounds like lots of the posts here are not feeling or seeing results from the vitamin d therapy. I did all heart tests doesnt show any disturbance. I was sent to a rheumatologist who tested for lots of things like rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyocitis, lupus, and others. I honestly thought this was the way it was going to stay for me. I have struggle with autoimmune stuffsince I was 16. I am encouraging her to be tested for Vitamin D as soon as possible. Usually parathyroidism is caused by a benign tumor so it is easily found. Thanks for this site and all of your input. I just had colon surgery 3 weeks ago and hope to return to work in a couple of weeks and 4 hyperplastic polyps removed. i. I did the 50,000 units once a week when the doc first checked and my level was at 24. The Vitamin D Council says that most people typically make about 20,000 units of Vitamin D after 20 minutes of sun exposure, which is about 100 times more than the daily amount of Vitamin D the FDA says we need. When I was first diagnosed with this, I was at a level 13. When the pain in my legs and overall heavyness feeling and the burning sensation in my muscles became overwhelming I went back and Dr. As soon as my feet hit the floor I would have excruciating pain in my ankles and lower back. I see someone else has already suggested an Endocrinologist, and you say there are none in your area. I have only taken one week so far of the vitamin d and when I first took it I felt sleepy and very achy all over. It takes over the functioning of the ovaries postmenopausally. D were found, I was trying to find out why sometimes I feel good and most times not. A few days later my left ankle started to kill, I could not walk, felt like it was going to snap. I have horrible pain and alot of weakness. Thanks to each of you for sharing your story. Then problems with horrible gastro problems including chronic intestinal problems and GERD. I have a lot of inflammation in the eyes with blurry vision. VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS: My personal experience is that non-prescription over the counter supplements work best on me when I take them right in the middle of my lunch and the best ones to work are the oil based capsules. Anemia as a small child and B12 shots since my teens. My md has left his practice to take a job with the pentagon and so I am without a doc anyway. Wow, I am suprised so many others have similar symptoms. I was prescribed 600 mg of Provigil per day, along with Xyrem (date rape drug). Take care of yourself and I wish you the best. She told me that I might start to feel better soon. The IBS is 95% better at this point, my muscle aches are 75% better, but still feeling very tired some days. D therapy my D is now 44 and TSH in normal range. This deficiency made me so tired that I thought I was dying. Maureen: I too had something similar to what you are describing. The fat in it is fine, its just butterfat from milk. Really, POTS affects just about all your involuntary nervous system. I have been dealing with vitamin d deficiency for over 9 months now. SO with that, I have been going from dr to dr. Calcium is required to build and maintain bone density at all ages. My doctor suspected Vitamin D deficiency right away. My electrolytes, potassium, calcium, magnesium are all fine though. It may not be because of this but it would be something to check. Much has been said lately about it causing cancer and heart disease and osteoporosis. I get occasional GI problems, but usually when I start a new medication. Jan, could you please elaborate on the heat retention in hands and feet. I have been having problems since I was 15. For several years until that point I had been diagnosed with everything under the sun. He is at 27 which is higher than what I started at but it seems that people with parathyroid or thyroid or any other malabsorption problem, their levels dip down even in the single digits. Although I realize skin cancer is of great concern to everyone, going in the sun for me can be deadly because of the lack of melanin. My biggest problems for me have been my feet and legs and no one seems to know what to do. Gwendol, Thanks for your response on weight loss. He also gave me medication for the joint pains and for the ulcer that i have in my tummy due to my appitide being very low. After reading about this on Wikipedia, I could not understand why the doc did not prescribe D3 for me. Anyway, I went in a couple of weeks ago for terrible fatigue after another night of not being able to sleep and feeling like someone was taking a pin and poking me all over. I think that is really when my VDD started and no one ever thought about I could have it. After about week 3, he was eating, up more, and by week 12 a different kid, after being so sick and homebound for a year, he is back at school, and normal. I have been sick since i had my son 6 years ago and I am still waiting for a final answer why all this is happening. It would be great to know if anyone else is not able to maintain D levels after supplementation. I have never had a D test before nor have I heard about this in my professional capacity. Finally, have patience and stick to medications that the Dr tells you too. So when the Dr. I have been pushing avocados and almonds in my diet. I am going straight to the doctor and asking to get my vitamin levels checked asap. I recently had my TSH tested. An overgrowth of Candida (called Candidiasis) is very painful. Over the course of these 30 yrs. So I went and he did some lab work and wanted to check my vit D level as well as my thyroid. I would think anything above 50 and with all symptoms gone, would be a target to shoot for. With one week of starting Vit D supplement, my IBS symptoms have disappeared. 6 to 9. I could not picture feeling this crappy another 5 years. It hurt, but I thought it would get better by itself with time. I am making a list of questions for my GYN Dr. I was afraid to walk long distance (use to do walk-a-thons). FIRST, I have two questions: 1. Also, just to let everyone know, my oldest daughter is the one who researched and insisted that my doctor test me for Vitamin D deficiency last April. Nobody here, to me, sounds like a hypochondriac. I have been wondering lately with the amount of people who have fibromaylia and the medical community only just starting back the disease as ligitimate, I wonder if Vit D has something to do with it, or that a lot of people may be misdianosed because doctors do not check Vit D in routine blood work. About two years ago my primary care doctor did some blood work and found I was low in Vitamin D, and high in cholesterol. That makes me think maybe it IS the D, or I will attribute it to possible colitis. Do you feel worse before you feel better. I pick up my Rx tomorrow for the 50,000 IU dosage as others have been given. , try to find an internist. And, third, I have been told that it will probably take me a full year or longer before the Vitamin D is back to normal. I no longer have those twitches and tics. I also starting have muscles twitching about a month ago. So, on my own, I would take a pill of CALTRADE every other day during the wek. And there seems to be many things that influence it. They say to test around 8-12 weeks to see where your levels are. My antibodies for thyroid and parathryoid was very high. But I think \different labs have different standards between what is the normal range and then different doctors agree or disagree with the standards. The pain is in my feet and goes up my calves. I am taking as of today 3000 IU of Vitamin D3. Mercury has no effect on regular chelating agents that can take it out of the system. But my pain Dr. I have been on the Vitamin D for 3 weeks now. Hemochromatosis only has to do with your iron levels, there are 3 levels of concern, the most important one is your Ferritin, then the Iron Serum and then the FE Saturation. I am going to ask him when I go back for my follow-up in January. Keep in touch I am hoping for good results but at the same time hope you find some answers. I am still on the hunt to find out exactly what is causing roaming joint pain. I do so much better on short acting things. BUT LOOK HEY I am here and much better today than I was in the last 18 years. That is my next step after I see the neurologist today. The probiotics should do the same thing, probably just take a bit longer. thanks. I finally called my pharmacist yesterday because mine was the rx that said NO ANTIACIDS WITH MAGNESIUM. My concern is that there is a lot of repitition. The wierdest is in the bottoms of my feet, like all across the bottoms. That is why I went to the smaller daily dosing. The pain lasts anywhere from a few seconds to an hour and migrates from place to place. Now, I feel like I can just crawl back into bed and sleep for the rest of the day. My doctor was very concerned because my levels were dangerously low and he immediately put me on a high dose Vitamin D supplement. I was still achy, having muscle spasms, and some pain from time to time but over the next several weeks that all slowly went away. I just have such weird bone pain,joints popping, buzzing in my feet and now bad digestive issues-not to mention fatigue. From what I understand that is super low. lol, including Fibromyalgia, IBS, Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD, PTSD, Chronic Pain, and most recently they are looking at ME(Myalgic Encephalitis) or MS. Supposed to take one 1 X week for 8 weeks, then 1 X month for 2 months, then recheck. When I came in for my follow up after 1 month in Sept, she told me about how low I was. on a whim and it showed that I had osteopenia. With fm can pains vary from quick stabs to pulsating and bone crushing pain. I have read all of these blogs on this website and I have been dealing with almost all of the same symptoms and I am tired of relying completely on Western medicine to get better. I will not go over everything as many of you have written all the different symptoms. Their website is: and it has great information on the effects that Vitamin D Deficiency has on our body and our mind. I believe some of you said that you have leg pain as well. The Dr is not sure why it would drop so, he is sending me to a specialist. So it will be interesting to see how many of my symptoms abate from the Vitamin D over the next 12 weeks. ) of 40-50 you will go down to 50,000 IU every other week. Nellie, do you think cheese and eggs is also a good thing to eat. I noticed some people talking about malabsorption of vitamins. And I had a rheumatic-y type small and shriveled valve, probably since childhood, as opposed to it being caused by a deficiency. As well as my chest hurting to the point I was sure I was having a heart attack at times. It sounds like many on this board have been through a lot. I am not a lazy person have been one to always be on the go from sun up to sun down and now stay in my house most of the time. The nerves constantly send messages to my brain telling it I am in pain. Want to know if anyone has had surgery while being low on Vitamin D and if it caused any problems with intensity in pain and delayed healing. D supplement until I get my medical team to get to the bottom of what is really causing the apparent deficiency. As I have said before in this post, besides prescribing me Vitamin D 50,000 iu once a week for 12 weeks, he is also sending me to get bone density scan. S. That feeeling went away once the Vitamin D megadose kicked in. By the way, my orthopedist was the one who urged me to get all this testing because after having surgery on both ankles they were still swollen and hurting. 5 so according to my doctor my thyroid is normal. One thing that has improved has been being able to sleep better. Can you all desribe more what your pain feels like. Thanks for sharing your stories and encouraging everyone. Hmm, I am at a 28 so I wonder why I have been having pains in my bones and those of you that are lower have not had pain. I really starting having small problems about 10 years ago when my husband came down with lymphoma. For days on end I would fall asleep at 4 pm and drag myself out of bed at 6 am the next day. Anyway, during this conversation she reminded me to continue with the rest of the Rx and make sure I come in after the 8th week. Felt like my heart was racing in my throat for 3-4 days straight. Unfortunately, it ends up consuming life, as much as I want to enjoy life, it is too hard. If your parathyroid is producing too much calcium then you would stop producing vitamin d. You just never know how this can affect someone. I can no longer kneel without being in so much pain. From what I hear she seems to be doing OK except now and then she feels lousy but overall is OK. Neck problems and throat problems can cause drainage problems. I heard about this under drmercola. So if your fatigued and feel something is going on, have all your vitamin studies. I read that even 10-20 minutes can make a big difference. Just got diagnosed with severe Vitamin D deficiency. I live in Minnesota and so from November thru March I am indoors most of the time. I am only on my 4th supplement so I have four more weeks left of 50,000 iu. Anyway, back to square one and not feeling the best. So i do recommend to check ur calcium to help in absorption of vitamin D. I would love to be able to go to the gym and work out but for me a trip to the grocery store and some errands and I am wiped out. Also they say that in most things made in China have excess Lead, I will also get tested for that. Kathy- I could have written some of your original post-the pain, night sweats, dizzy spells. Low Vitamin D May Be Harmful to Bones of Those with IBD. For people still not feeling better or have a relapse of aches and pains, I suggest that they also get tested for other vitamin deficiencies, thyroid functions, parathyroid level, antibodies to TSH, Heavy Metal Toxicity. This girl eats the recommended 6 small meals a day, is a size 4, goes to yoga and pilates classes on a regular basis, attends the gym, walks during her lunch hour in San Francisco, takes vitamin supplements, gets regular massages and spa treatments, has a wonderful husband, no real stress. Hips still hurt, but they are now in osteoporosis so that figures. So, I felt like I had the courage to go have it checked out. Fortunately I have not experienced any adverse effects of the vitamins at this level of dosing. One of the best thing is that you now know what is the cause and that it is not all in your head. My TSH was also 3. It is out of control and came on with onset of pain. I felt better for a few months (around the holidays), but by February, I was sleeping round the clock. Bad news is there is no let up on the leg pain. I am now improved after 5 weeks of D, 50,000, one capsule per week. Well, I got home and on my recorder was Dr. If medicine is not helping at all then you should look in to malabsorption. I was tested for celiac and he checked many other boxes on the sheet so it will be interesting to see what comes of this. After all that my level just tested at 16. D because she said that VDD symptoms mimic those of FM. One thing I forgot to mention is (it is a repetion of what has been said by many before) that vitamin D needs calcium, magnesium, zinc to fully become effective. Good luck. Now after the 6 weeks of the treatment which is low compared to the others, they get tingly more than painful. I told him about VDDS and CFS, His main concern was the link to cardiac problems, Glads he has read up on it. I am going crazy as I have read excessive intake may cause muscle issues. ) After you get to a better level, you will probably take the D3. We are a vegetarian, health food, green family and all pretty healthy. You need adequate Vitamin D to utilize calcium. My doctor has also taken me off of all birth control and am hoping I can get the Mirena IUD covered by canadian medical. You are unlikely to get this from your doctor. Afte being on the supplement for a few weeks, the symptoms really calmed down. Sorry, but I actually have never heard of these. Hi Neshema, My scans (sestamibi 99T) do show a right sided lower parathyroid tumor. I was diaggnosed by my rheumatologist for my MCTD. Do get them checked but keep a positive mental attitude. I have had a couple of times when I have woken up to find that my head feels numb like it feels when you sit on your foot and it goes to sleep. I am wondering if there is some other process that is literally stealing my vitamin d from my bones. I took those for 8 weeks and then spent the summer working outside getting lots of sunshine AND I kept taking 400 mg of Vit. Since taking the 50,000 IU pills, the tingling is less often now. At least I used to look good and have a brain. MY TSH is down in the 5. I did the thyroid test twice it was all normal. As soon as I got out of the sun, my levels dropped 2 points in a month. I have been suffering from Vit D and Iron deficiency. I went to Physical Therapy and even though what they had me do was really very minimal, I was in tears by the time I left it hurt so bad. I Should of probably asked my doctor but I did so anyway. Yes, I was feeling much better by the time I was told my labs read 30. Interesting that I do not hurt anywhere, (somewhat in one knee because of osteoarthritis) I have energy and do not have any other problens besides having a hard time loosing weight. I am almost speechless as to how my other drs. RE: Vit D. I am a 33 yr old feeling like I have been living in a 93 yr olds body. Has anyone suffered side effects from taking 50,000 units of D every day for 2 weeks. So he is determined to find out why and so am I. I have been reading all of these articles, thank you. I also had the very tired feelings and sleepiness but then could not really sleep for long I kept waking up all night with heart palpitations. Good Luck. Marie, I do have the fatty pads above the collar bones like you, but I can feel the swollen glands that are bean size in that fatty areas. He gave me a Vit B12 injection as my pressure wasvery low and i am abit anemic. I told him I know my body and I know something is wrong. I have to thank my Doctor for testing for this (I had no clue why I felt so bad). You are too young to be having such problems with heart and Blood Pressure. Anyway, my NP suggested that I get tested for vitamin D levels last week, and sure enough, they are low at 19. Both have gone away now that my D level is normal. In fact, I refuse to buy any toys made in China and a few of other things as possible. He wrote out orders for alot of blood tests and even called an endocrinologist he knows to find out the more specialized tests to order. When I went to the doctor for my physical three weeks ago, I did not mention my fairly frequent ankle pains, hip pains, shin bone pains, etc. I hope this will finally give me back my energy. I am going to see if I have mercury poisoning. Kris, it sounds like your whole body is stuck in inflammation. I dont necessarily mind taking the meds but I want to know what is causing it in the first place and if it can be fixed. The GERD got so bad that it was buring my voice box at night and I would wake up with no voice at all. Over a year ago I started with Oral LIchen Planus and was also told that I had the beginnings of fibromyalgia. I have had anemia my entire life, even when I was a kid, and B12 deficiency off and on too. I researched and found that LT use of aciphex can cause deficiencies and bone loss. I am still having some symptoms and faint feelings, but bothered mainly by heart palpitations which I thought I had got rid of with the high dose of D I am taking for 2 months already. Someone, in earlier posts, had mentioned that all the hormones work with each other. I however have been traveling so much that I have not been able to go back. I have always wondered if it had something to do with Vit D, even before I was found deficient. I come home exhausted and have to go to bed. It might mean using a good quality over the counter D3 instead of the prescription of D2. I also had tightness in my chest, this is when I was rushed to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I just took my 8th vitamin D pill, and feel pretty good actually. Has anyone out there had a similar reaction and is looking for an answer. I just started on 50,000 iu a week today so am hoping I get better. At one point a doctor did diagnose fibromyalgia and was treating her for that but after a couple months she continued her search for a doctor that would listen to her. My levels were borderline high the first time, now they are well within normal range. Sounds like you could have both primary and secondary because of your calcium levels. But, if someone can tolerate yogurt and milk, then the best thing is to drink a full glass of warm milk and in between eat a lot of organic yougurt (Blackstone has it). Truly. to me)suggested I may have a Vitamin D deficiency. Sun and food should be the best way to stay healthy. It just really amazes my that other people are exeriencing the same things I am. But, this is from another article on same page. Ladies, be sure you get copies of all lab reports. I feel like I am cheating my husband and my kids. I called my GP yesterday telling him that my pressure is still on the low side and i am still having the same symptoms. Went back to endo who did vitamin d tests and was found to be vitamin d deficient. In addition, after age 50, there is a progressive decline in the absorption, metabolism, and effectiveness of vitamin D in both men and women. I also have irregular and elongated menstrual flows, am very sensitive to cold temperatures, and experience seasonal depression. If you feel you need a test especially if its just a blood test and your doctor doesnt want to do it, insist on it or change doctors. Dr said it is the most slow growing and easiest kind to treat-they usually just cut it out. For instance, my thumbs and fingers bend back further than normal. I guess I am freaking out over the basal cancer because I do not know how long I have had it. I will write back in during the weeks to come to let you guys know how the Vitamin D supplement is working. (See my note posted yesterday. The ovarian cysts are a sign of estrogen dominance. Plus, it is like hell trying to reach him by phone or fax for drug questions but they do not return calls for over 2 weeks. But after those 3-4 months they knew i was low on D from the Blood test. I was also told that you needed to take calcium to help with the absorption of vitamin D, but I AM going to call my endocrinologist and make sure. This week has been a horrible week for me, My ribs and shoulders are killing me not sure if its all from the VDD or not. No matter what time I go to bed or how many hours of sleep I get, I wake up so tired. 2F, way too low. There are two on the right side and two on the left side. Some very amazing people post info on it. I started taking 2000 IU and have moved up to a 32 as of a month ago. As well as proper sun exposure and good VIT D diet. I compared it to feeling like I had the flu all the time. Jan: When I picked up my Vitamin D script yesterday, I asked my pharmacist about side effects. Since late 2006, I have been diagnosed with low vitamin D, high parathyroid levels and low TSH (thyroid) Endo was not up on this so saw another endo who was worse than the first one. Neshema I dont know what I was thinking my doctor has spoken to me about this several years back I just remembered, but nothing ever became of it, I guess I should mention this one day. She said I could get it with or without calcium. You sound as though you may have an absorption problem. I have always had problems with anemia and being low on B-12. Oddly my joint pains have subsided alot maybe because I have been taking alot of d and its finally working-that is if that has been my issue. I agree with you about the yeast connection. Nellie, are you telling us we need to check our level of vitamin A also. I dont really understand the different D3 and D2 but here are my levels. Hungry all the time, not gaining much wait, losing weight. I guess it would either be from maybe IBS or even VDD. I never realized that there were so many of us out there with this problem. The homeopathic tissue salts are in a biologically active form and help encourage the cells to absorb whats in your blood better. What a wonderful website, I too agree with others saying that this website is one of the most informative of them all, just by reading everyones experiences with Vitamin D Deficiency. To find the most current information, please enter your topic of interest into our search box. Mine feels as though my cell phone is on vibrate or something. Anyway 6 months later tested low in vit D again and going back on it. Here is the link to the probiotic manufacturer. TROY SUZANN: Follwoing site wll have some labs who do these testings. where people eat well, excercise, and take care of themselves. D level is normal and has been for two months now. I have had to hound this unprofessional doctor for the blood results. So in reality, it is osteomalacia and not osteoporosis. Before mine was diagnosed, I had a similar feeling all over my body, especially when I was upset or stressed. I got my period back and now its ok. I had been getting injections of B12 since about a year ago, so I was shocked to know that I am also D deficient. I find it amazing that the majority of you have stomach issues. I noticed that i lost weignt in less than 2 months about 10 or 12 kilos. I just had my levels checked this week and am waiting for the results. And, we all have some sort of auto immune disorder. You mentioned living in SF area where the sunshine is plentiful. Kat, Jenny: Most over the counter probiotics have very little live bacterias. I started to go to a chiropractor on a regular basis. I noticed you suggested using sunscreen when outside. in menopause. I was also curious if anyone else that was diagnosed with low Vit d, or fibro also had lupron shots for endometriosis too. I have experienced everything from blood sugar issue to dabilitating pain. These 3 and this site have changed how I look at health and I hope I can rebuild mine. I know I felt terrible a lot of days not knowing why, plus the chronic pains in my hands, hip, and knee. My husband pretty much had to begin taking care of everything that I had done previously. Hypothyroidism, extra leg and hip pain, Metabolic Syndrome and borderline diabetic. The blood test showed the VIt D Defic (and they seem to have lost the leg xrays). As for Urine infection, since Vitamin D affects immune system, it is possible that urinary tract infections may be more in VDD people. Anyway, it made him order the test and I was positive for it. Am taking 5000 IU of 100% Pure Cholecalceferol twice a day, as well as a multi with D. All: I am also amazed at all of the posts. To think I was trying to decide whether a hover-round or another type of wheel chair would be best. I guess anxiety and mood swings could be associate with Depression but I have always defined them as being a bit different wheather that is correct I do not know. Sharp piercing stabbing possibly in the mucsles (but short lives pains in elbows, wrists, feet, ankles and sometimes all over moreso when tired. Did you have sharp quick bone pains at times. She was the one who diagnosed me, so hopefully she will have some idea about all of these symptoms. The raw food helps add enzymes which help with digestion. Glad to hear some of you are getting good results. My lower back is more painful now, so I guess my hunt for what ails me is still on. I have an appt on the 20th and will ask my doctor about thyroid tests. But this past week, the fatigue, sweats and nausea came crashing back. I only took notice when it started to bleed. before taking anything. I have been to neurologist, rhematologist but the one person who found my vitamin d def was my kidney doctor, it is at a 12. Please keep me updated on how you are doing. Ferritin levels low and TSH back to 8. So, now I know it may be a longer process to recover. I wish I had enjoyed lots of hamburgers, fries and hot fudge sundaes to get it on. Study Casts Doubt on Common Morning Sickness Drug. I am all borderline Hyperthyroid, it has not improved so I will most likely be put on medication for that. bumps about the size of a bean. It has been almost a year, I have seen 3 PCPs, and finally ended up at the endocrinologist after my thyroid levels came back irregular. My hope is that with treatment I will be able to stand straight again and walk more than a few feet before I collapse into the nearest chair. He then told me to continue with Calcium with D and take 2 pills a day giving me 800 mg of D. Does anyone continue to lose vitamin d immediately after successfully completed their D treatments. As I posted before, who knows how long it takes for one to become deficient, it may take just as long to get back up. He has been so supportive, and has not let me give up in finding an answer. , not bought from a natural food store. The fat soluble vitamins D,A and K all require similar environments to be stored in the body. After reading the entries on this site I am very hopeful that the supplements will help me. I sleep better but start to have more trouble mid week so I take additional 1200 units per day until I take my next 50,000 units of D. Could I have irreversible damage from this level of 19. It was 14. U. The medication for restless legs relieves that horrible jumpy, tingly muscle feeling. My symptoms were mainly the IBS and feeling tired and muscle aches. I had a few good months with that and I am back to the chronic cough and upper respirtory thing. Too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. My son was basically bed ridden for a year (diagnosed with a sleep disorder-kleine levin syndrome), doctor after doctor, diagnosis after diagnosis, finally went to Mayo, was diagnosed with a very severe Vit D diff, put on 5000 iu daily for 12 weeks, new test showed normal levels. Hopefully the doc will let me know what the plan of action is tomorrow. Thanks all, your support and input is very valuable. I love my cardio group and gastro lady and the head and neck surgeon and my GYN. Like others have said on this site we are our own advocate. Celiac has been around for a long time, but doctors are only recently KNOWING about it. My D level was 10 and my TSH was also high (5. Was also recently started of Vit B12 injections for low levels there, but I only get relief for the first day and am back to my love affair with the couch, where I spend most of my time. Unless it is really bad, dont discontinue treatment without giving it enough time. Especially if you are seeing low levels of other necessary vitamins, minerals or hormones. I wonder if anyone else has sinus trouble. If I had not taken the initiative and requested the referral, I would still be going down hill without knowing why. I m on second week of vit D mega pack, and sat I noticed a rash along my collar bone and along one side of bikinni line, put benadryl cream on it its still their, thurs was my second dose of vit D 50,000 units, i take that amount on mon and thurs anyone else had any reactions, called dr left message for that and other issue no reply as yet, prob not anythng but let him know anyway. (This is from the Vitamin D Cure book. Thanks. I am just seeing a connection with the Autoimmune system and Vdd. But, we can have all sorts of strange things and never know it. I also am worried what might be causing the lack of vit d and if there is something behind all this like a serious problem: cancer or other. For me it ranks up there with the effects of Chemo. Hoping for sucess and Wishing you good health. d helps to absorb calcium, I believe it should be related. Went to barely detectable, less than 7 in October. He ordered a bunch of labs so we will wait and see what those say. I suffer lots of pain and my joints are steady popping, I have gained a ton of weight and after what I have read i think it may be from the vitamin D. I would like to propose something since this site is so active. I hurt so much all the time and have not been able to work (which has been difficult on my husband). I take 50,000 IU of Vit D for 12 weeks, then retest. Its supposed to make u feel generally better. I think I have it, and apparently my GI doctor does too, as my iron levels are high too, but I am waiting on the test results from the HFE mutation, I just had the genetic test done on October 20th 2008, so it should take about another 10 days or so for the results to see if in fact that I do have Hemochromatosis. I am having a hard time figuring out how to live my life around it. I was told Sept. I literally felt like I had surgery on my upper back and arms. LisaRose, my vitamin d pamphlet that came from Walgreens said not to take antiacids with Magnesium in it. Hi Juanita, thanks a ton for your feedback. Hello, I too suffer from chronic pain and fatigue. Kat: The 50,000 IU green football-shaped geltabs that everyone is prescribed is D3. Hair falling out, fatique, weakness, sleep problems, high PTH levels, Low Ferritin, (anemic) enlarged parathyroid gland (lower right side). My Dr. Also the air pollution in many areas stops the vitamin D. But most of my symptoms have abated over the last couple of months. They killed off my thyroid and I need to take meds the rest of my life. And I have always had anemia and B12 deficiency. Is that an abbreviation or the actual name and where is it located. I hope the vitamin D supplement works as well for all of you as it has for me. Naturally neither one of these methods is recommended so what are we to do. After all, they need to be absorbed, and guess what, they have to be suspended in fat. My PCP watched my sugar levels, went on Metformin, and saw them increase, until finally diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at age 38. NO, I do not lie in the sun, but I do not avoid walking in the sun. The research on the dangers of animal fats and cholesterol is flawed. However, the chronic fatigue became so severe that I could barely make it through the day. Richard, I am still taking 50,000 iu weekly. I do have very very slight soreness in muscles and my toes- my feel are not rough, dry and burning like before. Andy- rom my knowledge you are definatly correct in what you said to RIchard about the Parathyroid tumors and also aboutthe dehydration. As I mentioned before, I have experiencing tingling, muscle twitching on my legs, feet and arms. Betty, I just love avocados and almonds, I could live off them. For hose of you not familiar with RSD its reflex symapthetic dystrophy or complex regional pain syndrome. Also, an imbalance of Magnesium will give you palpitations etc. My endocrinologist gave me a script for Vit D 50,000 IU twice a week for a month did one more test and told me everything was fine and I didnt need to follow up. i just wanted to share that with you. I am to have repeat blood work in a month. I started taking 50,000iu a week, and I had such severe anxiety after taking it one time I was scared to death to take it again. If I can answer anything else let me know. I have also read that some docs test at 12 weeks. I was on two different Statins when I started having wasting muscles so I stopped taking them against the advice of my cardiologist. I too was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency back in Dec. Lee: I do have wheat intolrance so much so that I have not eaten wheat in 4 years. He prescribed 50,000 I. Who wont g into depression considering all that we are going thru with the lack of these vitimans. So we need to seek out the ones who have an interest in our particular area of need. Make sure you get the full blood work done to find out what else might have gone wrong due to lack of Vitamin D for such a long time. Hello, and thanks to you all for writing in. This week I start 1000 a day but will probably try 2000 as it just seems right. Small things like walking to the mailbox, making dinner, playing with your pets or children become too exhausting and all of this wears on us mentally. Vit. This latter one does not help determine need for sun or supplement. I feel little bit better after taking vita D 50,000 for 4 weeks. I keep intending to get out in the sun, but I am having a really hard time giving up my night-owl ways. I finally saw an endocrinologist and he told me that our bodies use about 1,500ius daily. Is there some kind of of Vit D Defic epidemic going on. She is in an unbelievable amount of pain and is taking morphine for that. I am very glad and surprised to hear your neice improved. S. And have started eating butter, liver and full fat milk and I am starting to feel good again. My ANA have all come back normal so no signs of lupus. The min I go off, everything gets messed up quickly. I had my calcium and parathyroid levels checked, also, because I had a parathyroid tumor removed at age 27. So — had my PTH checked again in May this year and it was up at 113 and calcium was normal at 9. UPDAT- Okay so my D is pretty much one point away from normal now. I described it to my doctor as a sensation of electric currents running up and down my arms and legs. Remember everyone, Vit D Defic is not only a problem on its own. This website has been a godsend in finding others with like experiences. So on top of feeling pretty miserable physically, we also have to contend with the feelings of depression that come from having our lives altered. Going to Doctors all the time, no one checked Vit. Not joint pain — that has been doing fairly well — but fatigue. He immediately started me on 50,000 IU per week for 8 weeks. com. Do any of you have good days and bad days and then really bad days. I had numerous bloods done and was eventually referred to a specialist who found the following deficiencies. I have had the bumps on the backs of my arms (keritosis pyleris) since a teenager. I am definately a hypochondriac as I am sure you can tell. another doctor discovered it about 2 years ago, but did nothing. I have done this for 3 months and now my level is 43. I felt horrible with this amount in me after the third-fourth day and chose to take weekly and then I spread them out to every 10 days. and have been taking 1000 unit twice a day. (I bet most doctors hate internet). I too experience bouts of that drenching sweat with exhaustion and nausea. Now the doctor changed it to 2 tablets a month and 2 B-Cal-D everyday. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect such a tremendous response from my Vitamin D deficiency article. Amna TMJ is not serious but annoying, your doctor should be able to dx it very quickly. Jenny, I agree with Kat, see a naturopath and perhaps find a new Dr. I have been on 50,000ius weekly since last October, along with the 1500-2000ius that I take daily. Leelee and everyone else in the same boat so to speak. That prompted me to seek out a specialist. Thank goodness my husband sees how I eat and exercise because no one beleives me when I tell them I am doing everything possible to lose. They are saying that most plastic containers contain a chemical which acts like hormones (some Pthalate used to make plastics). Wow, I just went to the doctor last week due to severe fatigue. Ok, Just thought I would update you all on todays dr. This newsletter and their website will give us all more insight into the major problem of Vitamin D deficiency. In New York area, there are a few very good physicians, who are M. My doctor has put me on an RX D 50,000 units once a week for 12 weeks. If I can get referred to the specialist, I think that will help a lot. glucophage, t. He called in more 50,000 units of D for another 2 weeks and I am choking on this amount. Patti, Try a Holistic Dentist who does mercury fillings to prescribe checking your niece and yourself for heavy metal testing. I have heard theories that there may be both a genetic link, then some kind of event, like a virus, that triggers the autoimmune response, but that proving or disproving these theories is a long way down the road, let alone being able to use any of this knowledge. There is no harm in consulting other Doctors in the mean while but dont tell the personal physician until you are sure. The bones aches, tiredness and sore feet came back after eating chocolate 2 days in a row. Call your DOC and ask as many questions as you want. Have you all noticed that at last Vitamin D isnt a Vitamin, Its a Hormone which is a Fat soluble. First of all let me say, see a dr. I have recently started having the arm pain. Slowly increase to full tablet once a week. I hope the new Rx will give me the boost I need. He opens my chart and finds the test results from all the other doctors I specifically had copy him in over the course of the last year. It really does help muscle and bone pain. It has been helpful and comfirming to read all your comments. I am just wondering if a deficiency of Vitamin D would make your skin very dry. I have fluctuated a few pounds, but am basically 16 lbs lighter than I was 6 weeks ago. I have had Mixed Connective Tissue Disease for 10 years plus and have always had symptoms that although could be attributed to MCTD were weird. Mine has gotten worse over the the last two years. I take the same amount as you once a week. Blood levels can be normal, but the cells may not be well enough to actually absorb them and therefore utilise them. com. for being so thorough. This could cause the electrolytic imbalance which can be dangerous sometimes. Adequate calcium and magnesium, as well as other minerals, are critical parts of vitamin D therapy. I drink a lot of milk, take a multivitamin, take a calcium with D, walk outside every day, etc so I am quite surprised to have this diagnosis. I make myself work out anyway for the other obvious benefits that I need, but man that wipes me out more than I think it should. I am not sure how many males have Vit D issues. I hope your new doc who is researching the D will retest you with your D. After reading the posts here, I see that bone density is directly affected by calcium and vitamin D. Head and neck surgeon referred me to yet another endo and he specializes in diabetes and he basically is in the same caliber as the first 2. I am really good at pain management being a hypnotherapist but these come unexpectedly just like electrical shocks. I wish I had an idea how long I have been deficient. Like yours, mine started with small intense pains in the middle of my shin in the middle of the night. I notice people are gone so quickly after diagnosis. This is in no way to replace this reat site, but in additon to. They also sent me for an endoscopy in June to do a biopsy to see if I had Celiac disease and to see if I had anything unusual like bleeding ulcers, etc. My OB found that I am low in vitamin D. I started to take a supplement once a day two days ago, based on the article which said 2 parts calcium to one part magnesium. Finally was tested and found that I was Vit D Def. I hope it is so and that all of us benefit from this. I have had the leg pain for years worse at night. Well I originally went to the dr. I have great difficulty taking medication but am hoping there will be something that will help. Anyway, I have a severely low iron deficiency and my Vitamin D is at an 11, apparently very low. He said he had been doing some research on fibro and decided to test my vit d level. A THOUGHT: Most doctors (including doctors in my own family) get annoyed when you tell them anything intelligent. I am otherwise healthy as far as I know, although my white blood cell count was elevated (doc said it should be 10 or below, it was 16. and if 1% of calcium defeciency happens it causes anxiety and ruins the nervous system. I read the response about Vit D helping to give a boost, then not helping at all. The burning in the hands and feet is horrible. The pains in my ankles were the first, it was like a lightening flash, then went up through my shin bone, same thing, like a flash of lightening, then went to the other ankle and shin, within a week or so i was washing dishes and the pain shot straight from my ankle into my hip joint. These autoimmune diseases spare no one and can appear as young as in their twenties. What the heck. Future of U. The most important thing is to find out which is causing which. Some people have TMJ problem that also can make ears affedcted. A neighbor had called me the night before and I just punched redial and told her to get Momma. I even wrote good bye letters to my little kids. Finally after finding out my Vitamin D is low I started taking 2400 IU of vitamin D daily. It seems like it has improved a lot recently. Wake up in the middle of the night with a stabbing pain in my shin. I take 4000 I. I do not get my blood retested untill 2 months. If anyof you have had side effects to Vit D, please post. I tried to catch up with the posts from Oct. I love cheese but quit because it is so fattening. S. and was told my vit d is low and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism through blood work. For some reason as I got older my count improved and I came off the meds. Even though I continue to take an over the counter d vitamin (800 IU) and calcium daily as well as walk outdoors with no sunscreen daily, my levels still quickly drop. Just to stand up after being in bed is excruciating pain. As the arthritis got worse, I excercised less, but in my mind, my weight increased dramatically in ways unexplained by just the lower excercise. There has to be a reason why someone is not feeling well. I have worn the wrist braces to bed every night for over a year because they would wake me up in the middle of the night all the time and the braces seemed to help some. I wonder now if I should ask about the calcium. This sudden re-activation of these processes will be handled with the body differently and you may feel very bad. I came across your article while looking for info on low Vit D, I was just diagnosed with it. He got pretty ticked off that the doctor had found that I was low and did nothing about it, and then he got very straight forward with me and told me that I needed to be more active in taking care of myself and I should have spoken up. They checked my vitamin b12 but that seemed fine. Nutritionist also thinks doctors are behind the curve and the Vit D dosage is too low but I feel I want to stay with my doctor on this for now. I was prescribed 50,000 IU weekly, and after the first day of taking Vit D, I felt better. I went up every morning and stayed all day with him and went home at night and fell in bed. About the sugar levels and diabetis. No one on here has said whether they have had their parathyroid gland out or not. I thought it may have been arthritis although I am only 41. Jan I am not sure what why a person would gain or lose but I can say that sometimes when I take a 50,000 units I get a little hyper. My vitamin D levels are 24, and should be between 30 to 80. For me, I suspect a malabsorption problem due to Celiac disease, but tests will have to be run. Cancer of most non-blood malignancies will probably not cause Vitamin D deficiency. The symptoms that came on and I believe due to the deficiency was after I sat on a plane for 3 hours. She would like to see potassium in the 4. I want to get at least 20 minutes of sun a day, I think that is about 20,000 IU. I just recently started reading a about MCTD because my daughter was diagnosed with Hypermobility Syndrome then I found that I actually have as well, which could explain some of my joint pain. not MS. I have noticed quite a few of you have been diagnosed with different disease processes. I have felt so horrible for so long that I cannot remember when I felt well. I think the cause may be a result of the skin cancer scare and so many people avoiding the sun and using UV protection creams and lotions. But i started one with the name VDD if you want to go search it out. Even walking to my car caused terrible tendon and muscle pain and bone pain. D supplements, I used to wake up not feeling fresh and like I didnt sleep enough. I felt it was neither PMS nor Perimenopause. Various things just seem to pop when I move, I can just turn over in bed and my whole (or it seems like it) spine will pop one after the other all the way down. I think the sun can make up to 20,000 IU of Vit D in 10 mins in good sunlight. Please, I know your tired but instead of just seeing a regular family Dr. So what did I say that made u first think of POTS. My eyes also are having severe problems I dont know if thats due to VDD. Armour, a desiccated natural thyroid hormone along with Vitamin D helps get you back on track again with tons of energy. I had my VD level retested to find that I am only a few points higher after 3 mon of 50,000 IU. The good thing is that they brought down my parathyroid hormone to reasonable levels, the high levels have been causing chronic miscarriages. My biggest sorrow was what will happen to my family. He has flucuated my Synthroid from. I do not want to go through another winter like last. I losed my muscle aches and soreness when my vitamin increased up to level 20. He thinks that my thyroid is giving me more problems, as you all know Vitamin D Deficiency and Thyroid Disease go hand in hand alot of times, meaning persons with Thyroid Disease often have Vitamin D Deficiency. For years I have always taken a mutivitamin, omega-3 Fish Oil and calcium supplement. All these vitamins and minerals are so intertwined. I have been having back pain so severe that I have been flat on my back for days. 0 is hypothyroid. I have been taking Vitamin D supplements ever since I was diagnosed in April of 2007. It was a new med for me,too. 53,000 or 55,000 IUs per week is not really that much different. These are the possible side affects that the pharmacy warns: Weakness, headache, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, metallic taste in your mouth, dry mouth, constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhea, muscle or bone pain, dizziness, excessive thirst, or excessive urination. So happy you are feeling better these days. 33 in May, but in July, it was at 2. The only real pain I have is in my hips and ankles (the main pain in my achillies tendon) and it hurts to walk properly and its slow going getting up out of bed, I have to stretch out tendons before walking. All other aches and pains (lower back, shoulders and arms) along with fatigue and just feeling crappy and getting depressed because of not knowing what this was were all attributed to PMS or Perimenopause. Magnesium binds the vitamin D (prevents its absorption). I have been suffering from the Deficiency for 2 years, I was untreated for about a year and a half, like you all I have been on the 50,000iu treatment once per week now going on 12 weeks. Two weeks ago I was told my B12 was extremely low and now this. Anyways, I just had surgery on Mon. I am perfectly healthy, and get as much sun as I can (for living in Seattle). Amna, my first thyroid problems began when I was 13. I am curious how many of your with VDD notice any differences in weight since your other symptoms started and after your started taking your Vit D supplement. I took the vitamin d again today, and my stomach felt fine, so hopefully it was a one time thing. You can find them in health food stores and pharmacies. And. At this point I have been tested for most everything, all okay. I was being tested for apnea and the restless legs was secondary, but the rls meds helped me more than the apnea treatment. Calcium intake when on Vit D therapy needs to be as high as 1000mg a day, as low calcium levels can mask as low Vit D levels. Last year my calcium was a little bit elevated. At one point I thought that it was because I had taken a liquid vitamin and had taken too much. Apparently one of my knees is bone on bone, tendon as well. Kate- Before being diagnosed with VDD, they originally thought I might have MS as well. Do you notice if your pain increases with movement. I am 63 and have had problems since 1991 when I had a bad samonella poisoning and then in 1994 I had Mono. My suggestion to all of you is to at least get about 20 minutes of exposure to sun every day. As we find information we can bring it back here. Did anyone read the link, Kathie posted on the 5th July. I have already gone thru Menopause, and I know what hot flashes feel like and these definitely are not the same. I have only had one dose (without incident) and have not experienced any less pain. My counselor told me my body was sending my heart and soul a message that I need rest, serenity and calmness in my life. they all should have them. Like many of you, I have gone from doctor to doctor looking for what was wrong with me. The pain was so bad that I fell to the floor screaming. Dr seem to think all of this has been initiated due to low Calcium and D levels. Since I found out about the VDD I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have msn, but not yahoo or AOL or gmail. and about the tinglings and numbness of pins and needles i got those in my shin and legs. After about 3 weeks of my first Vitamin D 50,000 IU the diarrhea subsided. thanx alot. A few months ago found out my d level was 8, took supplements for 6 weeks, tested again and went to 12 then took supplements for another 6 weeks, and it went down to 4. I also was going to have a sleep disorder test but never got around to it in the shuffle of the D deficiency diagnosis. , went to Podiatrst, he asked questions, LISTENED, and tested for Vit. What I also noticed on these comments is people puzzling over why they would have the deficiency. So do most people who post on this website. Was able to tend to my very large and beautiful flower and vegetable garden. Also, those with hemochromatosis also tend to get hypothryoid and diabetes too eventually. I had a crazy moment last night when I pulled out my tube of Whites A and D Ointment (yes, the diaper rash moisture barrier cream), which my family has used for chapped skin etc. After an MRI revealed bulging discs (which many people have without any symptoms) it was recommended that I have an epidural injection for the pain and begin 12 weeks of pysical therapy. If you think it helps, try it on your next post. There is another option if you are not a sun worshiper. I was told to take 50,000 IU per week for 4 weeks and then after one month another 50,000 IU just once and then after a week have blood test. Pancreatic cancer must be very difficult to diagnose. In fact, my mother has been suffering for years with many of the symptoms described by all of you. I wonder if diet may be very important, I want to ask for a nutritionist to advise, some of you have mentioned the importance of healthy fats in diet to help metabolize the D. I have had to have a ton of dental work that my Dentist blames on VDD. My DR. He stressed the improtance of having Ionized calcium taken. The difference between primary and secondary is that labs for primary generally have elevated PTH and high calcium. It is called Diastolic Dysfunction although my BNP levels that indicate heart failure have yet to go over the normal range. 1. 5) which indicates some type of inflammation. of D once per week and I go back for a follow up in about 12 weeks. I have restless legs, cramps, etc. I never realized until I was diagnosed with a serious Vitamin D deficiency what all problems this could cause. If I were you I would definately see the endo doctor, if for nothing more than peace of mind. I started taking the treatment for 8 weeks that did not help so I am on it again until October. You seem pretty close to the track I have been down as well. Just curious am I the only one on here that is wandering if I have ms. So, it still hurt today and I went to the doctor and got x-rays. My doctor diagnosed me by using my Morning Basal Body temperature (mercury thermometer under your armpit before getting out of bed in the morning for 10 mins) if your temp is lower then 97. My family practitioner did a heart test on me because I was having crazy heart palpitations, and my blood pressure went from being on the low side to being pre-hypertension. besides eating diary product may help increasing vitamin D. Just came across this site while researching Vit D Def. 50,000 IU Vit D for 8 weeks. I told them that I have never had to deal with an office like theirs. I was told to keep my stress level down, exercise and not to eat spicy foods. Its just that my medical aid was exhuasted begiing of this year with me going to the GP all the time just to find out that my VD level is low. My dr pushed on the trigger points and I did not have pain, so he does not think fm. I am also having Celiac Disease test and Albium level tested. I may have to ask my doctor for some pain med to take at night although I really do not like to take any drugs at all. I was diagnosed with really low vit d and iron a few months ago and have been supplementing over the summer. He ran the test again, and found that I am still low in Vitamin D. My doctor put me on 50,000iu twice a week for 8 weeks. Asprin: The Wonder Drug in Your Medicine Cabinet. I just received my standard blood test results and was surprised to see the doctor tested my vitamin D lev